Nature of Inquiry
How many certifications are there in Nuage Networks Virtuoso Certification Program?
There are six (6) certifications in the Nuage Networks program:
- NNP SD-DC: Nuage Networks – Professional Software Defined Datacenter
- NNP SD-WAN: Nuage Networks – Professional Software Defined WAN
- NNIS: Nuage Networks Installation Specialist
- NNE SD-DC: Nuage Networks Expert – Software Defined Datacenter
- NNE SD-WAN: Nuage Networks Expert – Software Defined WAN
- NNV: Nuage Networks Virtuoso
For more information, go to
When will I receive my diploma, exam tile, or progress plaque?
It can take 6 – 8 weeks for shipment of diplomas, tile(s) and plaques. Shipping times will vary by country. The fulfillment status of your materials can found in the Student Portal, under the “My Certification Activity” tab, in “My Program History”.
Where can I see my certification progress?
You can view your certification progress in the Student Portal by clicking on the “My Certification Progress” under the “My Certification Activity” menu. You will be able to view your current certifications, progress towards certification, expiration dates, as well as other details relating to your certification activities.
My employer has asked for my proof of certification. How do I get this?
Once logged in to the Student Portal, click “Verify my Certification” in the top navigator. Follow the instructions provided to send them a certification verification via email.
How are certifications awarded?
Certifications will be given to participants who have passed the mandatory written exams and lab exams for their chosen certification.
I have a different question about certifications.
For more information about certifications, please send your inquiries to [email protected].
When will others become available?
Communications regarding course availability will be posted to
In what languages are courses offered?
Courses are offered in English.
Where can I take a course?
Nuage Networks courses are offered in various locations worldwide. To find a class delivery in your area in the coming months, go to
Click on the course and scroll down to find the schedules.
Courses can also be taken in a virtual classroom.
What are course prices?
For information on course prices, go to
How can I register for a course?
To register for a course, choose a course from the list of courses and register from the individual course pages –
What can I do if the course I am interested in is not offered in my location?
Send an email to [email protected] for course scheduling requests and we will try to accommodate you to the best of our abilities.
I have a different question about course.
For more information about courses, please send your inquiries to [email protected].
Digital Rights Management (DRM)
What is DRM?
DRM (Digital Rights Management) allows authors to protect their work from theft and unnecessary access, while ensuring that authorized users can easily access their material.
What do I need to view DRM protected materials?
To view Nokia Nuage Networks VCP DRM protected materials, you need:
- An internet connection
- Recent version of Adobe Reader
- FileOpen plugin
Where do I find the FileOpen plugin?
You can download and install the FileOpen plugin from the following location:
Can I view the courseware offline?
Assuming you have accessed your courseware on a specific device before, you can continue to re-access it on said device for up to 7 days without internet connection. After the 7th day, the material will be inaccessible until you have a chance to reconnect to the internet and provide login details again. You must be connected to the internet the first time you open DRM protected courseware.
Can I view the courseware in multiple devices?
You can access your material on up to 6 devices.
What if I need to access my file on more than 6 devices?
Please contact [email protected] outlining a reason to place a request for more devices.
Can I view the files on my mobile devices?
Viewing courseware on mobile devices is not officially supported nor recommended as the material can be large and difficult to read on a small screen. FileOpen does feature apps you can download on various mobile operating systems; you may choose to authorize your mobile devices and view material on them at your own discretion.
I forgot my DRM username/password.
Your DRM username password should have been sent to you in an email when you received your materials. If you did not receive the email or have lost the email, please contact [email protected].
Can I change my DRM password?
Presently, you are unable to change your DRM password. If you feel your password needs to be changed, please contact [email protected].
I have more questions about FileOpen.
Please see their FAQs here or contact [email protected] for anything else that has not been addressed.
What exams are currently available?
Please go to for updates on written exam availability.
When will others become available?
Communications regarding exam availabilities will be posted to
How can I register for an exam?
In order to register for an exam, you will need to create a Student Portal account. See the exam scheduling instructions for more details.
I need to write an exam. How do I find the closest test center?
Pearson VUE offers numerous testing centers worldwide. For the closest testing center to you, please see their test center search function here. In the case that there are none available, please contact [email protected] for more assistance.
What information is needed to register for a Nuage Networks Virtuoso Certification Exam?
The following information is required for registration:
- Last name, First name
- Company name
- Email address
- Telephone number
- Street address
- State/province
- Country
- Exam name and number (you will have a select option)
- Payment method
- Candidate ID
Can I use my pre-existing PearsonVUE account, associated with a different testing program (Oracle, Cisco, Juniper), to register for an exam from the Nokia Learning Services Certification Programs (NN-VCP, SRC, CPC and ONC)?
Candidates require separate Pearson VUE accounts to participate to multiple testing programs. To register for an exam, please use the following link:
I have a Prometric written exam voucher, can I use it to register for Nokia written exams?
Please email [email protected] to receive a new voucher.
What do I need to bring to the exams?
Please ensure you bring 2 pieces of valid identification to your exam. Each exam may have different requirements, you can find more information on requirements by selecting ‘Testing Policies’ while viewing an exam on the Pearson VUE webpage.
How can I cancel/reschedule an exam?
Please sign into your Pearson VUE account to view cancellation and rescheduling options.
What are exam prices?
For written exam prices, go to
What is the passing mark for a Nuage Networks Exam?
The passing mark for all Nuage Networks exams is 80%.
In what language are the exams offered?
All written and practical exams are offered in English only.
How much time do I have to write the Nuage Networks Exam?
You are given 90 minutes to write a Nuage Networks exam, plus a 45-minute tutorial on computer-based examinations.
What is the format of the exams?
Written exams are formatted in a multiple choice format.
How many questions are in the written Nuage Networks Exam?
All Nuage Networks written exams have 40 questions.
Can I re-write the exam if I failed it?
Students are eligible to re-take Nuage Networks written exams at any time, even if they have failed.
How long do I have to wait before re-writing an exam that I have failed?
There is no required waiting period before re-taking a written exam. For lab exams, however, you must wait at least 1 month before re-taking it, but you can register for it at any time.
How many times can I take a Nuage Networks Exam?
There is no limit to the number of times you can attempt to re-take an exam.
Is there a time limit for taking exams necessary for a certain level of certification?
There is no time limit; you can take as long as you want to register for and complete an exam. However, once you have a certification you must re-certify every three (3) years.
I wrote my exam, but I haven’t received any email communication acknowledgement from Nokia.
It may take up to five (5) business days for Nokia to receive an exam results. Once we receive your Nuage Networks exam result, our system will automatically send you an email acknowledgment of your result.
I have a different question about exams.
For more information about exams, please send your inquiries to [email protected].
Virtual Course Delivery
What is Virtual Course Delivery?
Virtual course delivery is Nokia’s method of delivering courses through the internet. Virtual delivery is live, online and instructor-led; it aims to reduce travel and allow our candidates to take classes from the comfort of their own homes.
How can I sign up for virtual courses?
To register for a virtual course, go to this page:
Click on the course you wish to take and scroll down to the Class Schedule and Registration section to select a date and place that best suits your needs and schedule.
In what languages are virtual courses offered?
Most virtual courses are offered in English. In select countries, they are offered in Spanish and Portuguese. However, courseware material is offered in English only.
What are the PC requirements for virtual courses?
For Nuage Networks virtual course PC requirements, please follow this link:
How do I know which courses are offered virtually?
Go to courses page:
Click on the course you wish to take and scroll down to the Class Schedule and Registration section to find the method of delivery of the course.
I have a different question for Virtual Course Delivery.
For more information on virtual course delivery, please send your inquiries to [email protected].
Why should I recertify?
Recertifying ensures the continued validity of your Nuage Networks certification and allows you to pursue further certifications without having to restart the certification process.
Is there a deadline to recertify?
The final deadline to renew your certification is before the certification termination date. The certification termination date is six months after the certification expiry date. The expiry date is three years from the day of certification.
What is the difference between certification termination and expiry dates?
At the expiry date the certification is no longer valid but, may still be recertified. Past the termination date however, the certification must be restarted instead of recertified.
Which exam do I need to pass to recertify?
Please see table below for eligible recertification exams for each certification.
What happens if I fail to recertify?
If you fail to recertify prior to your termination date, your certification will be terminated
What languages are the courses offered in?
The courses are offered in both English and Spanish.
What if I need clarification?
If you have any questions regarding your certification activity, please contact us
Certification and Exam Badges